Lifelong Learning and Discovery for All.
- Provide a safe and inviting community gathering space in the Library,
- Build meaningful community connections,
- Serve as community technology hub, facilitating access and instruction,
- Maintain robust program offerings,
- Increase the size and scope of physical and digital collections.
Core Values
- Intellectual Freedom
- Education, Literacy, and Lifelong Learning
- Access
- Confidentiality/Privacy
- Service
- Sustainability
Read our Long-Range Plan 2020-2023.
Read our Long-Range Plan 2023-2025.
Contact Us
Call (585) 637-1050 during library hours, or click a title below to send email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Library Board
The Seymour Library Board of Trustees is a group of nine residents who are dedicated to enhancing the physical property of the library and the resources and services it provides. Trustees serve for five-year terms (January 1-December 31) and are appointed by the Towns and Village Boards.
Sweden Town Board Liaison: Councilperson Scott Maar
Village of Brockport Liaison: Trustee Ben Reed
Town of Clarkson Liaison: Councilperson Evan Wexler
Library Trustees
Libby Caruso, President (Brockport)
Kristen Sharpe, Vice President (Sweden)
Kenneth Streb, Finance Chair (Sweden)
Mike Andriatch, Secretary (Brockport)
Katie Andriatch (Clarkson)
Gloria Gustke (Brockport)
Helen Wexler (Clarkson)
Don Pophal (Sweden)
Linda Nagus (Brockport)
Using the Library
Computers & WiFi
- Public computers are available, running Widows 10 and installed with MS Word, Excel, etc.
- All computers are connected to the Internet and to a networked printer.
- Patrons login with their library card number, or may request a guest pass at the Info Desk. Internet sessions last 90 minutes.
- Free WiFi is available throughout the building (“Seymour-WiFi”) and does not require a password.
Computer & Technology Help
- Reference librarians are available for general assistance during normal operating hours.
- Self-Help: The Public Library Association’s DigitalLearn.org offers short introductory classes on a wide variety of topics, such as Getting Started on a Computer, Intro to Email, Creating Resumes, Online Job Searching, Basic Microsoft Word, and more. All classes are free.
Our public Konica machine provides the following services:
- Copying, Faxing
- Printing from library computers.
- For printing from mobile devices we use PrinterOn. Follow this link and follow the instructions to print from your mobile device. There is also an app available that you can download from your app store and use if you prefer.
- Scanning
Display/Exhibit Cases
Several glass cabinets and cases are available for individuals and groups wishing to displays collections. Please read our Display Case Policy for details.
Library Cards and Your Account
- How to Get a Library Card and related information.
- FAQs about your account.
- Sign up for email and text reminders alerting you to Holds ready for pickup, Overdue items, and Courtesy reminders.
Notary Public services
The library has free notary public services. Please call ahead (585-637-1050) to check available hours.
Passes for Local Parks, Museums, etc.
- Empire Passes for state parks
- V.I.P. Pass Program
Study & Meeting Rooms
- Four Quiet Study Rooms are available on a first-come/first-served basis. Rooms are limited to 2 people per room, for up to 2 hrs. per session unless no one is waiting.
- Two Meeting Rooms are available for groups: Local History Room (capacity 52); and Duryea Room (capacity 60). Reservations are made by calling the Info Desk at 585-637-1050.
Tax Forms
- Art Displays
- Code of Conduct
- Collection Development
- Community Bulletin Board & Display Free Materials
- Conflict of Interest
- Display cases
- Emergency Closings
- Financial Policy
- First Aid
- Gifts to the Library
- Incident Report & Form
- Internet Use Agreement
- Internet Use & Safety
- Landscape Policy
- Library Director Succession Policy
- Library Records – Confidentiality and Requests
- Local History Room Use
- Meeting Rooms
- Posting Library Job Announcements Policy
- Power Outage
- Procurement
- Programs
- Public Input and Conduct
- Reconsideration of Library Materials & Form
- Record Retention Plan
- Security Cameras
- Sexual Harrassment
- Smartphone Apps in Place of Library Cards
- Study Rooms
- Unattended Children