The Seymour Library will close early on Saturday, April 29th at noon to accommodate the Seymour Library Foundation’s After Hours event. We will reopen at regular hours on Monday, May 1st. We hope to see you at After Hours!
It’s time to give our library a little love! We’re ready to start looking at what a fresh paint job can do for the library’s atmosphere. Please see the attached Request for Proposal for the bid process pertaining to painting and wall repair for the interior of the Seymour Library. Please ensure all bids follow the RFP guidelines and dates. Any and all questions and comments can be send to the Library Director at
The Seymour Library Foundation is hosting their After Hours Fundraiser on Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm at the Seymour Library. This year’s theme is “Musicals and Mischief.” Tickets are $25.00 per person available for pre-purchase or at the door. The Library will be closing at noon on April 29th for set-up.

The Friends of the Seymour Library are holding their Spring Book Sale starting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday April 19th and running through Saturday April 22nd. The sale will be in the Duryea Room. Come out to support the library and get great deals on used books!